Improved Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessments
Australian Aid
Adam Smith International
Under this activity, AMEP will select a pilot soum in consultation with MoET and examine public participation in Detailed Environmental Impact Assessment (DEIA) to determine whether amendments are needed to regulation to improve the process. First, a case study will be done to seek answers to questions, such as how optimally are meetings convened and run; how many people attend and how representative are they; how are views recorded and incorporated into the report/reported back to MoET; is there a proper explanation of the project and process; and are meetings focused on issues relevant to the DEIA? With this work, AMEP plans to develop recommendations for amending the Ministerial decree #A-03 2014 to improve public participation that is believed to establish positive and productive relationships between community, government, and companies at an early stage of project development, and result in better decision making around environmental impacts and their management.
Update on 24 August, 2021. The following reports and presentations were developed under Public Participation in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Activity.
1. "Legal Reform of Public Participation in the EIA" Policy Research Report: Mongolian and English;
2. "Public Participation in EIA" International Best Practice in Mongolian;
3. "Public Participation in EIA" Stakeholders' Survey in Mongolian;
4. Regulations and Implementation Review of Public Participation in EIA in Mongolian; and
5. "Public Participation in EIA" Citizens' Meeting Notes' Analysis Mongolian.
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