Royalties on Minor Elements
Australian Aid
Adam Smith International
In close consultation with the MMHI, Ministry of Finance (MoF), General Department of Taxation (GDT), MRPAM, and Mongolian Customs Office, AMEP will contribute expert advice to a review of the current legal framework that results in royalties being imposed on minor elements in mineral concentrates. AMEP plans to 1) conduct an assessment of international good practice with regards to the treatment of minor elements found in concentrates within royalty regimes; 2) design a revised methodology for the calculation of minor elements; and 3) connect Mongolian officials with counterparts in Australian state government treasury departments for calls or online meetings to discuss the methodology for calculating royalties in practice in Australian jurisdictions.
This activity helps clarify conflicts in existing laws and regulations, achieve consensus between MMHI, MoF and GDT and signals to international investment community that Mongolia is prepared to act on reforms to improve its competitiveness.
Update on 24 August, 2021.
The following reports and presentations were developed under Royalties.
1. Discussion Paper on the Imposition of Mineral Royalties on Minor Elements: English and Mongolian;
2. Legal Framework Study on Royalty Treatments of the Minor Element: English and Mongolian;
3. PowerPoint Presentation: Discussion Paper on the Imposition of Mineral Royalties on Minor Elements. English and Mongolian;
4. Cast Iron and Steel Smelting Technology (PPT): Mongolian;
5. Copper Smelting Technology (PPT): Mongolian; and
6. Zinc Refinery Technology (PPT): Mongolian.
Please copy and paste the following link and you can download each report here: