Dec 07, 2022

A Message from the AMEP 2 Team Leader

Dear AMEP 2 Friends and Partners,

The Australia Mongolia Extractives Program Phase 2 team is pleased to announce the launching of its eight activities for the 2022 to 2023 fiscal year.  These are as follows:

Accelerating the “Making Minerals Valuable” Initiative
2. Royalties and taxes: Consensus building through consultation
3. Supporting the wider adoption of the Responsible Mining Framework for Mongolia
4. Supporting Mongolia’s mining companies to improve their understanding of environment, social, and governance (ESG) and raise responsible finance 
5. Strengthening Mongolia’s professional associations for mining 
6. Monitoring on Gender and Human Rights Training Program and evaluation of progress
7. Development of a roadmap for the inter-operational information platform for the Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry based on information systems operated by the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Agency of Mongolia and National Geological Society 
8. Social conflict mapping and development of a roadmap and pilot to improve conflict management in the mining sector.

These activities aim to strengthen and support the Mongolian extractives investment climate through the active participation and collaboration of multi-stakeholders of which include members from civil society, industry, and government.  It is our and that of our collaborative partners’ hope, that this year’s activities will result in stronger compliance initiatives, increased public participation, and advocacy that will ultimately improve responsible mining practices when it comes to communities, herders, their environment, human rights, and health and safety.  

With a stronger emphasis on local level activities, AMEP 2 will be reaching out to all interested stakeholders for feedback, participation, as well as collaboration through its community pilots Making Minerals Valuable and Social Conflict Mapping.  Enhancing and strengthening good governance and transparency, as well as providing Mongolia with a competitive investment edge has been another cornerstone of the AMEP 2 program.  AMEP 2’s continued digitization activities aim to ultimately provide Mongolian citizens with access to information on extractive sector data that link to important initiatives such as Mongolia’s Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative.  Enhancing consultation processes through broader inclusion and in finding common ground to strengthen citizen participation and garner viewpoints is also key to this year’s activities. 

The implementation of these activities promises to bring about an exciting year with the promise of some positive outcomes.  As a team we look forward to keeping you informed, to listen to you and, importantly, to have you engaged as we move forward.

With warm and kind regards,

Rena Guenduez 

Team Leader