Sep 28, 2020

2019-20 Annual Report

Ulaanbaatar. Over the past year of implementation of AMEP 2 the program has seen solid progress on agreed activities and has built relationships with an expanded set of stakeholders that will be drawn on in years to come. AMEP 2’s first year activity consists of two major phases. In the first phase, the team expanded the range of partners who share the common goal with AMEP 2 and have capacity to influence outcomes. In the second phase, AMEP 2 implemented six activities approved by DFAT and the Ministry of Finance (MoF).
All activities had  local ownership through partnerships with high-level government agencies, such as Ministry of Mining and Heavy Industry (MMHI), the Mineral Resource and Petroleum Authority (MRPAM), the Mongolian Tax Authority (MTA), Ministry of Finance and the Financial Regulatory Commission (FRC), which influence the acceptance and sustainability of regulatory changes. Please click here to view the full annual report for FY 2019-20.